Our history

Established in 2007, the niche was born under the name of Transportation Equipment and Elastomers, as it initially combined the transportation sector with elastomeric materials. Thanks to financial support from the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, and Energy combined with the levers accessible to the Accord excellence niches, the Elastomers industry focused on materials matured into a full-fledged niche as early as 2012. The excellence niche punctuated its transformation in 2015 when it became a non-profit organization. Today, the Elastomers Valley architects a variety of projects aimed at promoting the circular economy and sustainable development in the field. The creation of this new digital ecosystem is part of the niche's desire to design tools aimed at minimizing environmental impacts and fostering collaborative innovation among companies in our sector.

ACCORD excellence niches

La Vallée des Élastomères fait partie des créneaux d'excellence ACCORD. La démarche ACCORD est une initiative gouvernementale qui vise à dynamiser l’économie des régions du Québec. Elle mise sur la collaboration et l'innovation pour favoriser la création de nouveaux réseaux industriels en s’appuyant sur les forces régionales en présence. Le créneau d'excellence soutient l'innovation collaborative en offrant des leviers d'appui qui facilite l'accès aux programmes existants et qui rapproche le milieu de la recherche des PME, notamment en région.